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Read our blogs for the latest in COBRA news and updates
Employers often ask us how to determine what is a qualifying event versus what is a life event. In a nutshell, COBRA qualifying events are those which cause a loss of coverage under the group health plan, causing an individual to become eligible for COBRA whereas a life event is something that triggers a change but doesn’t cause a loss of coverage.
COBRA can be downright overwhelming when business mergers or acquisitions occur given that group health plan changes happen rapidly, often causing individuals to lose health coverage under the plan. COBRA business acquisition handlers have seen on some level changes like layoffs due to corporate downsizing as a result of a merger, or the transition of employees from one business to another.
Under COBRA, there are certain rules which allow eligible disabled individuals (or their qualifying dependents) to extend the regular 18-month coverage period to 29 months total. In order for an individual to qualify for the extension of COBRA coverage, a qualified beneficiary must be deemed disabled by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and meet several other criteria.
One question we receive often regarding COBRA continuation is, “How do I know what the maximum period of coverage should be for my employee?”.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! With chilly mornings, fallen leaves (and in some places, snow), supermarkets filled with signs of Thanksgiving feasts
The past several years in the world of employee benefits have been unique to say the least. With the pandemic came major changes in the healthcare and employee benefits
COBRA qualifying events are different from "life events" that impact health coverage or employee benefits.
Medicare and COBRA: |
August 2024
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