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Employer FAQ...
Q: What is COBRA?
A: COBRA is a Federal law that many employers must comply with. COBRA allows employees to continue coverage under the employer group health plan when they lose coverage due to a qualifying event such as termination of employment or reduced working hours. It also allows dependents of employees to continue coverage under a group health plan when dependent COBRA qualifying events occur such as divorce or a dependent ages out of the plan.
Q: Does my company have to comply with COBRA?
A: If you had 20 or more employees during 50% or more of your business days last year, then it is very likely that you must comply with the Federal COBRA rules for employers. There are some exceptions, such as church groups and government entities who do not have to comply with COBRA. Call us to find out more about your compliance requirements.
Q: I am new to CobraHelp. Who do I contact regarding my COBRA questions, employees, and COBRA participants?
A: Your account with CobraHelp has been assigned to an Expert Account Manager who can assist you with all of your COBRA questions/needs. If you do not have your Account Manager’s contact information that was provided at implementation, you can retrieve this information by logging in to your client services account via our web portal or by calling (800)-398-2946.
Q: I need more information about the Federal COBRA regulations and guidelines for employers. Where can I find more information?
A: Your CobraHelp account manager is a COBRA expert, ready and waiting to assist you with COBRA questions. In addition, our website is loaded with information pertaining to the COBRA rules and guidelines for employers. We can email you a list of general COBRA requirements or provide you with a COBRA procedures manual. You can also access a full listing of COBRA and employee benefits related information here on our website.
Q: What is a qualifying event?
A: A qualifying event (or QE) is a triggering event that causes the loss of coverage of an employee or insured dependent of an employee. Such events cause an employee or dependent to become eligible for COBRA coverage. These events include termination of employment, reduced working hours, divorce/legal separation, Medicare entitlement, death of the employee, and when a dependent child is no longer eligible to be covered by the plan. Read more about qualifying events here.
Q: What is a General Notice (Initial Rights Notice)?
A: The Federal government mandates that all employers complying with COBRA must notify all employees and dependent spouses of their COBRA Rights using a model notice within 90 days of enrollment into group health benefits. CobraHelp offers Initial Rights Notification service to keep you compliant and reduce risk through excellent record keeping. Find out more here.
Q: How do I report a newly insured employee to CobraHelp so that my employee receives an Initial Rights Notice?
A: Simply log into your account through our web portal and select “Add New Initial Rights” and complete the smart form displayed on your screen. If you have a large group of employees to add, ask your account manager for alternative ways to submit a census.
Q: Can I get a census of my active insured employees or Cobra Participants from the CobraHelp website?
A: Absolutely. Just log in to your account through our member services portal to view and export a report of your active insured employees or COBRA participants. Feel free to contact your dedicated Account Manager for assistance. We're here to support you.
Q: How do I report a new qualifying event to CobraHelp so that the appropriate COBRA Notice can be sent to my employee/qualified beneficiary?
A: Simply log in to your member services account and select from the various “Add New Qualifying Event” options. You can choose to report new qualifying events individually, or set up file feeds, or data transfers to streamline the process. You can also integrate CobraHelp with your current HRIS system or vendor. Contact your Account Manager for help with QEs.
Q: I can’t log into the website. How do I get help with this?
A: If you’ve forgotten your password, simply select “reset password” and you’ll receive an email allowing you to do so. If you are experiencing continued issues and cannot access your account, please contact your Account Manager.
Q: I have always offered COBRA to my former employees but recently I dropped down to less than 20 employees. Am I required to continue offering Federal COBRA?
A: The requirement to offer Federal COBRA is based on a “look back” year so if you had 20 or more employees for 50% or more of your typical business days last year, then you will need to continue to offer Federal COBRA for the remainder of this year, even though you have dropped down to less than 20 employees. In addition, if you have any participants currently enrolled in Federal COBRA continuation, *you must allow them to complete the duration of their allotted eligibility time on COBRA (18, 29, or 36 months). *Certain exceptions may apply. Contact your account manager for more information.
Q: How do I find out about additional services and how to add them to my current service through CobraHelp?
A: Our Service/Pricing page offers a great deal of information regarding our service add-ons and options. For more information, please request a proposal through the website or call us at 800-398-2946.
Q: How long does it take to implement CobraHelp services?
A: Typically, your new service can be fully implemented and ready to use within three business days provided that all setup information was completed/submitted during the implementation process.
Q: Does CobraHelp handle open enrollment for my COBRA participants each year?
A: CobraHelp does offer full Open Enrollment service for COBRA, retirees and leave of absence groups. This service is easy to request if you are not already receiving it simply by contacting your CobraHelp Account Manager. Be sure to sign up for Open Enrollment service before your benefits renew (30 day notice is best). Please see “Open Enrollment Service” on our Service page for more information or contact CobraHelp.
Q: How will I receive my premium remittance each month for COBRA participants or other benefit enrollees?
A: You'll receive a remittance payment on a monthly basis for any funds that were collected from your plan participants. CobraHelp remits premiums via ACH (direct deposit) to the employer. You will also receive a Monthly Premiums report that you may access 24/7 via our secure website. If you would like to update or ask questions about your premium remittance method, please contact your Account Manager.
Q: Is it a qualifying event if my employee voluntarily drops benefits during open enrollment?
A: No, this is simply a voluntary waiver of benefits which means that the employee or dependent(s) are not eligible for COBRA when the latter occurs. If you have CobraHelp services, be sure to remove any employees who waived benefits from your employee census by logging into the website or contacting your Account Manager.
Q: Do I send a COBRA notice to employees who don’t have benefits?
A: No, the COBRA Notice of Right to Elect will need to be sent to qualified beneficiaries only—employees and qualifying dependents who had benefits at the time of the event.
Q: How do I calculate HRA rates for my COBRA members?
A: HRA rates should be carefully calculated using the look back year method or by utilizing the professional services of an actuary. This article goes into detail about how an Employer or Broker can calculate HRA rates.
Q: How do I know if my retirees should receive a COBRA notice?
A: Generally, when an employee retires, he or she should also receive a COBRA Notice even if there are retiree benefits offered. However, there could be exceptions. We recommend you check out this article which goes into more detail about COBRA and Retirees.
Q: How do I know if my employee (or their dependent spouse) is experiencing a Medicare qualifying event?
A: Typically, when the employee’s Medicare entitlement causes a loss of coverage for the spouse, this is a Medicare COBRA event. There are many complexities to Medicare and COBRA so we recommend that you take a look at this comprehensive guide to COBRA and Medicare events.
Q: How many months may COBRA participants stay enrolled in continuation coverage?
A: The very basic answer is – 18, 29, or 36 months depending on the type of event. Learn more about the types of events here.